Pop-up Books
Learn the basic signs to help your baby or toddler communicate with you.  Baby Signs is
paper engineered and written by Kyle Olmon with illustrations by Jacqueline Rogers and
created in the Sabuda & Reinhart Studio.  
Baby Signs is based on American Sign
Language.  This is the second title in the non-fiction series with Orchard Books.

ISBN-13: 978-0-439-5425-5        First Edition, May 2009
ISBN-10: 0-439-5425-8
Castle presents a fascinating introduction to life in the Middle Ages.  More than a dozen
intricate pop-ups accompany the fact-filled text, positively transporting readers to medieval
times.  Kyle Olmon is the author and paper engineer of
Castle with illustrations by Tracy
Sabin.  This is the first title in the Sabuda & Reinhart imprint with Orchard Books.

ISBN: 0-439-54324-X        First Edition, August 2006

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